shareholder yield造句


  1. This concept was further detailed in the 2007 book, " Free Cash Flow and Shareholder Yield : New Priorities for the Global Investor ", by William W . Priest and Lindsay H . McClelland.
  2. The term shareholder yield was coined by William W . Priest of Epoch Investment Partners in a paper in 2005 entitled " The Case for Shareholder Yield as a Dominant Driver of Future Equity Returns " as a way to look more holistically at how companies allocate and distribute cash rather than considering dividends in isolation.
  3. The term shareholder yield was coined by William W . Priest of Epoch Investment Partners in a paper in 2005 entitled " The Case for Shareholder Yield as a Dominant Driver of Future Equity Returns " as a way to look more holistically at how companies allocate and distribute cash rather than considering dividends in isolation.
  4. It's difficult to find shareholder yield in a sentence. 用shareholder yield造句挺难的


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  10. "shareholders equity"造句

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